Well my day started early, well not as early as Greg as he was working, but i wanted to be up early to get the horses out of the stables and settled before I had a the big change around with Ozz and Nancy.
Mousie couldn't have cared less when I took Ozz out of the paddock and put him in the weaning yard. Then I caught Nancy who had come to the gate after I called her, popped her in the paddock with Mousie and put Ozzie out with the young ones. I couldn't have asked for a better swap around. But Nancy didn't settle all day, either did her mates across the track.
I just left them to sort if out. Was interesting to watch Mousie and Nancy as they are full brother and sister, and to see just how similar they are.
All the horses had the day off today as planned.
When I went to put Mousie and Nancy in, Mouise took charge and headed for his stable by himself, he's a bit like a dog really, but he had to go through another wee paddock, round a corner, past the hay shed round another corner to the stables, and in his box he went. Actually worked out great as it ment I could led Nancy behind him, she was pretty good but didn't really know what was going on. We started to break her in before the winter but it just got too wet, so we turned her out. I will start on her again tomorrow, hopefully she will remember what the deal was. She is still unsettled in the box, but she has a nice feed full of minerals and alliviate c which should help her settle in to things.

Nancy looking unsettled in her box. I brought her a new rug, and will put it on in the morning after I have scraped some of the mud off.