Tuesday, July 29, 2008

29th July 2008

Well a busyish day today running round doing all sorts of different things. Firstly after working the horses, I had to go to the police station to give a statement on an accident that I witnessed and helped out, couldn't believe that it took over an hour.

I had a great morning with the young ones, Tess is getting much more friendlier by the day, which is fantastic as six months ago you couldn't pat her at all. Today she had big smoocheys and even backed in to get a bum rub, which was a bit of a worry, don't like been at the back end of a yearling that is only just coming round to getting friendly. lol.

Greg very kindly cleaned out Ozzies box, so he had a fresh bed to go into tonight. Greg is still complaining about my show/event horses been inside, but I very nicely explained to him that I am mucking out all his horses boxes, so two more isn't a big a deal. lol.

I harrowed another paddock today, and zoomed round the track with it which worked well picking up all the clumps.

Then a lovley afternoon in the garden, Donny was looking over the fence the whole time watching, he is such a dude.

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