Friday, August 15, 2008

15th August

Today started very slowly for me as I was very sore after my lesson with Jill Ullrich yesterday. Mousie is feeling very well and spent the first 1/2 hour trying to plant me, I was not impressed, but in typical Jill fashion we just carried on and mostly ignored his tantys that he was throwing. He did nearly get me at one stage, I had shortened my stirrups as he reared, then kicked out, twisting his body and I lost one stirrup and was over one shoulder, thought I was a gonner but he didn't do anymore once he realised I was in a spot of bother. lol.

I just love Jill, she has such a fantastic way of teaching and giving both horse and rider confidence, Mousie hadn't jumped from the last time we had a lesson due to the weather but I have to make more of an effort to get him out and about. At this stage we are not going to do doubles but just trot past them and hopefully the judge will let me carry on. He really needs and out to be out seeing different jumps in different places to get his nerve up.

Things are ticking along here with the racehorses, Greg and I are counting down the days till our first race of the season. Penny Parker has been a handful and is firing so hopefully she can blot out her bad performances at the end of the season with some good races before she heads off to stud.

Dependable Donny is loving been in work and was most annoyed that Mousie got to go out without him.

Today the weather was 4 seasons in one day, started off with a frost, then nice and breezy, then got very warm, then wind, then rain a bit of hail and it seems to have calmed down now.

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